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Host A Party

  1. Pick a date, invite your friends, plan to have fun!
  2. Day/Night of … jewels arrive, set up displays, model the gems, sell!
  3. Earn money and/or credits along with other incentives.
  4. Refer a friend and achieve even more.
SellEarnBonusExtra Bonus
up to $1000 10% of sales 25% off 1 item --
$1001 - $2500 10% of sales 40% off 1 item 10% off additional items
$2501 - $5000 10% of sales 40% off 2 items 15% off additional items
over $5000 10% of sales 40% off up to 3 items 20% off additional items



Refer a friend 5%of total sales

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